I was going to pick a gift for myself after leaving the first company I worked for 5 years...
a bag, a pair of shoes or a necklace or anything that makes me feel good after all.
That's what girls do... at least almost all of them that I know
Then here it comes.
A beautiful voice that represents the spirit of each song that she sings
beats and snaps
changes the atomosphere
hits the soul
made me almost cry
The magic of live music is the shared experience
Sharing all the elements of a song and experience of who sings the song with all the people there to listen
It's a gift
I see so many people come and pass by every day
But how many of us really understand and present the gift given to each of us
It may not be as clear to everyone
I don't know/kind of know what gift I have, to share
I'm still searching
Bei Xu
JZ brat @Shibuya